
Showing posts from January 7, 2018

Sweet Valley High #125: Camp Killer

Liz and Joey are now officially a couple and can't keep their hands off each other. This displeases Nicole to a great degree. She encourages Joey to tell a story about Crazy Freddy, which has some connection to the original camp legend. This one occurred more recently and involves the police finding boots in the woods with severed legs inside. The cops eventually found more body parts before the killings just stopped. Nicole decides to make Elizabeth's life a living hell and sneaks a letter into her bunk supposedly from Joey that asks her to meet him in the woods. She then sneaks outside and chops some wood, which causes Liz to flip out. Liz starts to run away but hangs out just in case Joey shows up. Though she thinks Nicole played a trick on her, by the time she gets back to the cabin, she wonders if she just made up the whole thing because she was tired. Sure. While the two are out making out on the water, Nicole takes a picture of them. She writes a lette...

Sweet Valley High #124: Meet Me at Midnight

In case you missed it, the twins went to Camp Echo Mountain for their 700 th summer jobs between junior and senior year. Liz naturally fell in love with a dude – Joey – and cheated on Todd, and Jessica fell for Paul, a local guy who treated her like shit. Nicole, Maria's former best friend, arranged for Todd to show up, which brings us to now. Elizabeth is totally devastated at seeing Todd and drops Joey's hand like a hot potato. Despite just seeing her holding hands with another guy, Todd has no clue anything is different. He gushes about how Nicole is such a cool chick and how much he missed Liz. Todd already made arrangements to spend a few days with Winston in his cabin because he couldn't wait to see Liz again. She acts like she's totally fine with things and then whines about her life is so unfair. Nicole fakes spraining her ankle in front of Todd. He helps her sit down and stretch before wrapping her ankle for her and then once again talks abou...