Sweet Valley High #68: The Love Bet

Since Todd and Elizabeth cannot keep out of other people's business, they decide to make a love bet. Both Dana and Aaron are completely against the idea of love, dating anyone, and being in any type of relationship. So, naturally they're the two people in the world who should totally be together forever. Jessica is naturally displeased with this plan because she occasionally dates Aaron and thinks it's shitty of her twin to mess with her dating pool. Of course she does.

First step? Make each one think that the other is crazy in love. They start dropping not at all subtle hints. When she knows Dana is stopping by the Oracle office, Liz gets her friends to talk real loudly about how Aaron has a crush on someone and get all embarrassed when she enters. Todd does the same thing with Winston and some of the others to Aaron.

Though they set up a double date type thing, it doesn't go so well. See, Dana just had an article published in the Oracle about her new song, which is all about how dating sucks. Aaron brings it up and talks about how he agrees with her, which leads to her being surprised and then also agreeing with him. They both decide that being in love with someone stinks and is something neither wants to ever do again.

Their second attempt goes a little better. They make plans to double date, but then Liz cancels with the excuse that she needs to suddenly watch Teddy for Mr. Collins. The two kind of bond on their faux date. Aaron also invites her to watch his soccer game because soccer so similar to music in how a whole group needs to work together.

Dana also gets a mushy card in her locker and shows it to Liz as proof that Aaron likes her. The only problem is that Todd wrote the card. Though Todd claims that he did it to push the relationship forward, Liz thinks he did it to win their bet. Whoever loses will have to do three tasks for the winner. I don't think Todd gives a shit if he has to carry your books, Liz.

On their date, Aaron is a little nervous to tell Dana how he feels. She tells him it's okay and that she knows before pulling out the card. Aaron then realizes that it's Todd handwriting, which mortifies Dana. She decides that Todd and Liz were just playing games with people, which granted they were, and she runs away before Aaron can tell her how he actually feels. Dana does, however, take the time to explode on Liz and make it clear that they are no longer friends.

Aaron finally does get Dana alone though and finally does tell her how he feels. Since she feels the same way, they kiss and decide that they are in love. They now have to get their good friends back together again. Liz and Todd both get the same card with a typed note inside apologizing and asking to meet. They get together and see the new couple honk and ride off together. Liz decides that she won the bet and asks for her three things: that they never fight over anything stupid again, that they always be this happy and in love, and that Todd kiss her right now. Gag me with a spoon.

In other news, The Droids are no longer the hottest band in Sweet Valley, so someone decides to host a Battle of the Bands competition. Jessica, still pissed that Aaron is out of her dating pool, gets Lila to go with her and be roadies for this band called Spontaneous Combustion. They dress all in black, have long and unwashed hair, smoke a lot of cigarettes, and have names like Weasel. The guys call them chicks and make them do a ton of work.

The night of the competition, Lila shows up with a “hurt” wrist wrapped in a bandage and can't help. The guys keep yelling at Jess, so she stops caring. She plugs in instruments all wrong and then just walks away. They wind up blowing their amps and naturally losing.

*If Jessica is this upset about Aaron dating someone else, wait until she gets to Sweet Valley Confidential!

*BTW, this isn't even Aaron's first serious girlfriend. Liz mentions that he's against love because his last relationship ended so badly, so why does she even care?

*Dana gets sad during a rehearsal because she doesn't really have any good friends to talk to her about her thoughts. I always assumed The Droids were like best friends and hung out all the time. Plus, she literally lives with her cousin.

*I'm shocked that Sweet Valley has enough bands for an entire competition, especially since The Droids are the only band anyone ever talks about.

*Dana and Aaron literally have nothing in common, so I'm not surprised that their break up is barely mentioned in passing later.

*Wouldn't it be great to have a SVH book where a couple meet, date for a few weeks, and then start wondering when to bring up the L-word instead of immediately falling in love after one kiss?


  1. I love Dana for telling Elizabeth off she really needed to hear that more often.

    If Jessica is this upset about Aaron dating someone else, wait until she gets to Sweet Valley Confidential!

    Now, you have me wondering how she took that news.

    Dana gets sad during a rehearsal because she doesn't really have any good friends to talk to her about her thoughts. I always assumed The Droids were like best friends and hung out all the time. Plus, she literally lives with her cousin.

    I always thought that too. The band spends all their time together I assumed they were all best friends.

    1. In SVC, I believe she makes a bunch of comments about how she never really liked him and he was annoying, which is odd that he was also her kind of boyfriend in SVT.

      I really wish more people would tell Liz to butt out of their lives without apologizing later and telling her she was right all along!


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