Sweet Valley Kids #33: Caroline’s Halloween Spell

So, it's Halloween again in Sweet Valley. Jessica can't wait to dress up as a cheerleader, but Liz isn't sure what she wants to be. While chatting on the bus, kids start picking on Caroline for seemingly no reason. Todd tells her that her hair is already orange and she should stop eating carrots. Their literally five seconds away from telling her that she has no soul. She later hears Elizabeth mention something about being a witch and bluntly tells her that she knows nothing about witches. Ah, poor poor Caroline, wait until high school and see if you still feel the same way.

Their teacher takes them to the library and asks everyone to pick out a book about Halloween to present a paper on in front of the class. Liz picks out a book on witches and decides that Caroline might be an actual witch. She has a cat, which they see her with outside, they hear her reciting a spell, the twins catch her standing over a large pot in her kitchen, and she can apparently predict the future. Caroline knows that their neighbor, Mrs. Frankel, who always puts up a spooky skeleton will use a ghost this year. They later see her hanging up a ghost decoration on her porch.

Since Liz is so “good” at sleuthing, she decides to dress up as a detective. The girls all get together and come up with a plan to prove that Caroline is a real witch based on the witch movies they know. Since the only one they know is The Wizard of Oz, they wait until she stands up in class in her witch costume and throw water at her. Seriously?

Their teacher freaks out until they tell her why they did it and then laughs, as does Caroline. She tells them she just dressed up as a witch and freaked out in the beginning because she thought Liz would go as one too. The spell was just a few lines from Macbeth her dad taught her, she was helping her dad cook chili in that pot, and her cat is just a cat. The only reason she knew about Mrs. Frankel was because she saw the woman throw out her old skeleton and bring home a new ghost. After laughing some more, they all go trick or treating together and start eagerly talking about Thanksgiving.

*Liz is super proud of her costume because she looks just like Sherlock Holmes. What kind of second grader knows Sherlock Holmes?

*They also think Caroline is a witch because they see her sweeping. Yeah, I can see why they were so confused. See, some kids actually have to do chores at home and don't get to do whatever the hell they want to do.

*While out at the mall, they see Caroline and her mom. Caroline gets snippy when Alice asks what she bought, so her mom yells at her. How about telling Alice to stop being such a nosy bitch and asking about what's in the box?

*Liz is such a little brat. She says that even though other people are mean to Caroline that she tries to be nice to her all the time, but she then just sits there when they say nasty things to her on the bus.

*Mrs. Frankel, who I swear is in a SVT book, lives in an old rundown house. Other kids are too afraid to even knock on her door, but the kids that do get these huge bags filled with big candy bars and stuff. I would totally knock on her door...


  1. Liz is such a little brat. She says that even though other people are mean to Caroline that she tries to be nice to her all the time, but she then just sits there when they say nasty things to her on the bus.

    Yes she is. Patting herself on the back about how she's always nice to Caroline but can't be bothered to say anything. Way to show what a great person you are.

    The name Frankel sounds familiar but I can't place it.

    1. I thought she was that one girl's grandmother who had the formerly famous magician grandpa, but that's not it...


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