Sweet Valley High #74: The Perfect Girl

You might remember Robin Wilson from that time she was blackballed and lost hundreds of pounds in a week or that time she started dating Enid's boyfriend behind her back or that time she was suddenly an amazing diver and fought with her aunt. Anyway, she's now back and still the co-captain of the cheerleader squad, a great diver, and the perfect girlfriend to George.

While out on a date, George tells her that he wants to take flying lessons again. She thinks it's a great idea because now he won't feel so guilty about that time he paralyzed Enid. The only problem is that he'll be so busy between those lessons and college that he won't get back as much as he would like. Robin is totally fine with that and even okay with him bonding with Vicky, his partner in class.

Things become not so fine when George plans a double date for them with Vicky and some other guy. The other guy cancels at the last minute, but they decide to go out anyway. Even though Robin assumed Vicky was some math loving dork, she's actually a super hot and super thin girl. Vicky tries to be her friend, but Robin keeps ignoring her or talking down to her. After watching her and George dance a few too many times, she says she doesn't feel good and asks him to take her home.

This starts her down the road of developing yet another eating disorder. Robin finds out that she gained three pounds because she stopped watching what she ate and assumes that George will think she's a cow now. She follows a diet that has her eating nothing for breakfast, a salad with no dressing for lunch, a light dinner, lots of water, and no snacks. At the same time, she sticks to her same insane schedule and burns way too many calories, so she loses weight fast.

When George finally comes back to town, she plans to wow him with how great she looks. Instead, he keeps bringing up stories that involve Vicky, and Robin keeps changing the subject. Though she planned to splurge at dinner and eat some real food, she gets so upset that she sends her salad back and then refuses to eat her entree. George takes way too long to realize she's mad about Vicky and tells her that he loves her and no one else. She still demands that he take her home.

Since SVH never seems to have any money, they need to hold a fundraiser and raise enough money to repair the gym floor. Robin suggests making the state's biggest ice cream sundae. They can get local stores to donate the supplies and sell dishes after building it. Liz comes up with the name Super Sundae, writes an article for the school paper, and gets in touch with all her local newspaper contacts for more advertising.

While at an ice cream shop to ask about donations, the manager offers them free ice cream. Robin drools a little until she sees an overweight woman come in with two chubby kids. She then makes up an excuse about a dairy allergy and runs outside. The other cheerleaders keep offering her snacks and other foods, but she gets really snappy with them and acts like a huge bitch.

Robin also starts walking to school to burn more calories, even after hitting her goal weight. Her diving coach notices her weight loss and suggests she see a doctor. The coach also makes her leave practice early because she can't concentrate. Robin starts getting so cold that she almost can't get out of the pool and can't stop shaking.

Liz actually notices her weight loss and tries to bring it up a few times. Robin just tells her to drop it and leave her alone. Her mom also asks her to eat more and seems to believe that she eats at school. Robin explodes on her for making things like pancakes and bacon, that bitch. She tells her mom that she wouldn't have been so fat before if her mom showed some restraint in the kitchen. Screw you, Wilson.

Super Sundae finally arrives, but Robin is so tired that she oversleeps. When she finally gets there, Jessica snaps at her for being late and puts her in charge of opening all the cans of chocolate sauce. Robin has such a hard time focusing that she can hardly put her feet in front of her. While struggling with a can, she passes out and almost hits the ground. Luckily, Liz is there and shouts at Todd to grab her.

Chrome Dome comes over all concerned like, but when Liz tells him that Robin hasn't been eating, he basically says it was good for her to call 911 and then wanders back to the fundraiser. Jessica comes over to see if she can help, but Liz tells her to take over and keep everyone on track.

Robin wakes up in the hospital to find out that she has pneumonia and that her weight loss exacerbated the condition. The doctor tells her point blank that she has anorexia and that she needs to make some serious changes. When she asks why he didn't tell her to eat her breakfast, he deadpan tells her to eat her breakfast before leaving. Since he made it seem like she couldn't handle the situation on her own, she decides to prove him wrong and eats most of her meal.

George comes to see her and because he's a complete idiot, he brings Vicky with him. Robin refuses to talk to him when he's in the room, but she does talk to Vicky. Vicky tells her that she knows Robin was upset because of her and George but that he's totally in love with Robin and she's all he ever talks about. She then tells her that her parents wanted to divorce when she was 10 but decided to wait until she was 14, which made every birthday feel like a ticking time bomb. Vicky went crazy in the hopes of gaining some control and became a total drug addict. She got over it though and Robin can too.

After giving it some thought, Robin agrees to see George. He tells her all about how much he loves her and how he would never look twice at another girl. That's when she tells him that she needs some time to work on things. George agrees and volunteers to help, but she tells him that she needs to do things on her own. Though he's upset, he hopes they still have a future together.

All the cheerleaders are in the cafeteria when they see Robin. She tells them that she just came by to pick up some assignments and that she has some work to do on her health before she comes back to school. Amy asks if she wants an ice cream cone, everyone flips out, and Robin just laughs before telling her that while she doesn't want one now, she'll get one next time. And that's how you recover from an eating disorder in under a month...

*George is a complete ass. Gee, let's see. You met your current girlfriend while taking flying lessons with her and dating someone completely different seriously. Why would your girlfriend ever find it uncomfortable for you to to talk about your new flying partner all the freaking time​.?

*Robin sees Lois multiple times and can barely keep the disgust off her face. She keeps thinking about how she doesn't understand why being so fat doesn't bother her.

*Jessica also makes some rude comments about Lois being fat and how she's so glad that she never had to worry about her weight.

*In a total smug bitch moment, Liz mentally pats herself on the back for thinking that it's great that Lois can have friends and a boyfriend even if she isn't skinny.

*Liz describes Lois as being chubby and a little overweight, not fat. Robin can't be around her though because Lois is the same size she was before losing all that weight. Wasn't Robin like way overweight? It kind of seems like Lois should be smaller than she was back then.

*In a little throwback moment, Robin remembers going on the double date with Winston, Todd, and Liz back in the day. She cringes when she looks back on it though, which is weird because she should be cringing about that time she stole another gal's boyfriend.

*Her mom makes roast chicken, potatoes, and carrots for dinner one night, and Robin divides the plate into good and bad food, with most of the plate on the bad side. She refuses to eat the veggies because her mom had the audacity to put margarine on them and pulls the skin and other parts off the chicken.

*Liz invites Robin to come to the beach with her and Todd. She shows up later, turns down his offer to get an ice cream for her, and when Liz tells her she looks like a swimsuit model, she gets so uncomfortable that she puts her sweatshirt back on. All this happens BEFORE she starts dieting. Oh yeah, she'd be totes fine and on the way to recovery within a week.

*The Super Sundae fiasco raises less than $700, so yay?


  1. Nothing's better in a book about an eating disorder then having people insulting fat people and/or patting themselves on that back for being thin.

    Yeah George is an ass and Robin needs a lot more help then she gets in the book.

    1. I hate the people of SVH, especially the wakefield twins. Jessica is a b**** and insults Lois, like oh 'why can't everybody have the perfect looks like me' and Liz acts so righteous but even she thinks how fat Lois is, and how great it is that she managed to find a boyfriend, even without her looks.

      Plus why is everyone in the book so utterly gorgeous anyway, why do looks matter so much

    2. I really wish they had Lois in SVC but gave her a big story, like she had a super hot husband and a high paying job...


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