Meghan loves playing with the family next door. There’s West, Tuesday and Brown and their parents who always buy kid friendly foods and don’t mind people spending the night. They’re all hanging out one day when Lannie from across the street comes over. None of the kids like Lannie because she’s weird, has dull looking hair and is really pale. They’re all kind of bitchy to her, like West won’t take her for a ride on the lawn mower and Tuesday won’t let her spend the night. Lannie makes the kids play freeze tag and they discover that she can actually freeze people, which she does to all of them. When she lets West out, he demands that she unfreeze the others, including Meghan who Lannie really hates. She does, but makes him promise that he’ll always like her “best”. Freeze Tag then cuts to the future when the kids are teenagers in high school. Meghan and West are now one of those couples that you despise because they’re so cute. They’re constantly giggling together, talking on the phone ...