Sweet Valley High #17: Love Letters
Caroline Pearce is a huge gossip and the kind of girl that no one wants to ever be around. Since she was feeling lonely one night and wished she had a boyfriend, she decided to just make one up. Her fake guy is named Adam and is from Cold Springs, a town a few hours away. Adam plays baseball and absolutely loves her. To make the letters more convincing, Caroline used lines from Robert Barrett Browning poems to his wife Elizabeth. When the book opens, she tells her sister, Anita, all about the party that Bruce threw the night before. Since Anita was super popular in school though, it's not all that exciting to her. All she really cares about is that her sister is hanging out with the Wakefield twins and going to the beach with them. Caroline made that part up though, and when she stops by their house, Liz says she can't go and that Jessica is still asleep, so she goes by herself. She does stop long enough to see a letter in the trash can that blew over from Alice talk...