The Sweet Life #1
I have a confession to make. I bought and read all six of The Sweet Life e-books and never recapped them. Each book was a little more ridiculous than the last, and I think I was too annoyed to write reviews. The other day, while on a trip to pick up cleaning supplies from Dollar Tree, I found the hardback with all six e-books inside and decided to give it another try. Jessica is working for one of George Fowler's companies and is now in charge of marketing for some green cosmetics company. I always assumed the only green thing she cared about was making sure her hair didn't turn green from the chlorine in the swimming pool. After making a pitch to Revlon, which is really just her deciding to throw a party with naked models painted to look like they aren't naked (how is that selling makeup?), everyone oohs and ahs before she goes home to find Todd playing with their son. Todd and her snip at each other before he takes off. It turns out that she and Todd separa...