Sweet Valley Kids #35: Elizabeth's Broken Arm
Mrs. Otis, the twins' teacher, announces that they're having a special guest: some zookeeper will bring in some animals for the class. One student gets to be the helper. All the kids get their names put on the board and then ten stars after them. She'll take one star off every time they do something bad, and whoever has the most stars at the end of the week is the winner. Jessica and Ellen both lose four stars the first day because they get caught whispering in class. Even though Lila was whispering too, the teacher never caught her. Somehow, both she and Liz have the most stars out of everyone. Jessica and Elizabeth both head over to Amy's house and play in the yard. Liz climbs up the tree, loses her balance, and falls out. Mr. Sutton calls Alice and then rushes the group to the hospital where they learn that Liz broke her arm. If you read the title of this book, you probably aren't really that surprised! Even though she feels totally fine, Liz has ...