The Nancy Drew Files #50: Deep Secrets (1990)
Let's set this up. In previous books in this trilogy, Nancy, Bess, and George went to stay with Eloise Drew in the Hamptons. Nancy met a guy, Gary, and helped prove his innocence and keep his job as a test pilot before falling in love with George. Nancy met a Soviet dancer named Sasha that instantly decided he was in love with her. Despite having Ned, who is conveniently on his way for a visit, Nancy thinks she might be in love with the dancer because she keeps thinking about him. It's called a crush, dodo. Deep Secrets opens with a fancy party thrown by Nancy's friend Emily. Conversation turns to Roland Lyons, a businessman who bought up a ton of land and now wants to trade it back to the city for beachfront land where he can build condos. Emily and her new “friend” Jeff think Lyons is horrible because he puts money above all else. Keith, Emily's ex-boyfriend, interrupts, they share words, and things go badly. Later, Keith and Jeff get into it again, wh...