Sweet Valley High #43: Hard Choices
Enid’s grandfather died a few months ago and now her grandmother is moving to Sweet Valley. She gives up her bedroom to move into the unfinished attic. Liz comes over to help her finish moving. Even though she loves her grandmother, she is still a little upset because they can’t afford to fix up her room and she doesn’t even have space for her clothes. She has dreams in mind of her friendly grandmother, but nana is not what she expects. She complains about her flight, complains about having to walk upstairs to her bedroom and complains about the flowers that Enid bought for her room. She seems better when she wakes up, but still isn’t what they expected. Mrs. Rollins, i.e. Adele, invites her new boyfriend Richard over for dinner. Everything he does seems to rub nana wrong. She thinks he’s an alcoholic because he has bourbon, thinks he orders her daughter around and thinks that he is rude. Enid starts doubting him too because she thinks that her grandmother knows best. El...