Sweet Valley High #2: Secrets
Yay! Something that’s not Fear Street! Secrets picks up right after Double Love ended. Jessica is bitching to Cara about how Liz had her dunked in the school swimming pool and she looks horrible. Cara tries to point out that she deserved it, given that she did nearly ruin her twin sister’s reputation, but Jess ain’t hearing that shit. It turns out that Jess is really just worried that Bruce Patman saw her and was so disgusted that he won’t ask her out now. I love this because in the University series, she acts like he’s the scum of the earth and never mentions that they dated. Cara tells her she looked like Bo Derek coming out of the pool, which is really just a way of stroking Jessica’s ego. We then jump to Liz’s house where she’s baking cookies with Enid, until she drops a measuring cup and flips out. She tells Liz all about her sordid past. Apparently she went through a bad period and started experimenting with drugs and alcohol. She and this guy George hit and kid while high. He su...