Sweet Valley Twins #6: The New Girl
Not sure why I never recapped this one, but here goes! Brooke Dennis just moved to Sweet Valley, and she is such a bitch that it makes me hate a sixth grade girl! She ran into Jessica when she was walking Mrs. Brambles' dog Sally and tried to kick the poor old dog. Naturally, Jessica is less than happy when Alice announces that Mr. Dennis is her new client and that he and his daughter are coming over for dessert. Jessica feigns a stomachache and runs off, leaving Elizabeth to fend for herself. Mr. Dennis seems pretty nice and mentions how Brooke barely ate at dinner. She literally turns up her nose every time someone tries to talk to her and refuses to eat dessert. When Liz suggests they listen to the new Johnny Buck tape, Brooke laughingly grimaces and says she only listens to classical music. She then bitches about their house, the school she hasn't seen yet, and pretty much everyone in town. Elizabeth admits to Jessica that she was write and that the ...