Sweet Valley Kids Super Snooper Edition #6: Case of the Million-Dollar Diamonds

Ned is with the twins at the mall to see Santa at the Christmas Village when they run into all of their friends. He buys them all popsicles and lets them hang out before they meet Santa. While Jessica has a long list of things that she wants, Liz just hopes that the Super Snooper Club gets a new mystery. Ned then decides to visit his client, Mr. Fox, in his jewelry store to look for a gift for Alice. While they are looking at all the expensive jewelry, two guys come inside. One is a younger guy with dark hair, while the other is an older guy with white hair in a black suit with a red tie. Mr. Fox shows them some diamonds from his safe, gets distracted, and suddenly realizes that the diamonds are gone at the same time that the two guys take off. Jessica tells security that she saw them steal the diamonds, even though she didn't actually see anything. The guards give chase and catch the younger guy who lets them check out his briefcase. When they don't find anyth...