The Nancy Drew Files #54: Cold as Ice (1990)
Nancy, Bess, and George are off to Emerson College for the weekend to see Ned and experience the annual Winter Carnival. He got a friend, Susan, to let them stay in her dorm room, and he even arranged dates for George and Bess with his friends Jerry and Rob. Susan seems find with them until she finds out they know Rob and suddenly seems less friendly. She later apologizes and says it's fine if they hang out with him. They do a bunch of fun and random things like start making ice sculptures for an upcoming contest, take a walk across the campus, and have a snowball fight. Nancy notices the oars on Rob's jacket and comments on them, which makes him go from friendly to ice cold. Ned later explains that Rob was the star of the crew team until his grades dropped and the college suspended him. One of the big events on campus is an exhibit in its art museum of historic jewels. Bess goes crazy, and Rob jokingly says he would steal from her. Nancy keeps noticing how the...