
Showing posts from September 30, 2012

The Baby-Sitters Club #51: Stacey’s Ex-Best Friend

This is the one where we learn that Laine Cummings is truly a bitch. Laine calls Stacey to discuss her plans for her upcoming break and Stacey begs her to come to Stoneybrook. She asks her mom, and Laine agrees to come, though she doesn’t seem too excited about it. Stacey goes on a major cleaning spree, ridding their home of anything uncool, including magazines, her pig collection, and even food. Laine immediately makes it clear that she doesn’t like being there. She completely misses the town when they drive through it, rolls her eyes at everything Stacey says, and acts like she’s a 30-year-old. The BSC has a slumber party at Stacey’s house and Laine gets bored. She doesn’t want to eat because she’s on a diet, she doesn’t want to talk because she doesn’t know anyone, and she brags about her 15-year-old boyfriend. She thinks all boys their age are dorks and kind of acts rude about it, leading Kristy and Mary Anne to get upset. Since Laine is so bored sitting at home by herself, Stac...

Point Thriller: The Dead Game (A. Bates)

We have three best friends: Linnie, Ming, and Jackson. Ming is super depressed because she was first in their class until two new students transferred. They both took AP classes at their old school and since their school doesn’t offer those classes, they immediately had a higher GPA than anyone else. Jackson learns that their parents intentionally transferred them because they were so low ranked at their old school. Linnie tells her friends that she wants to murder the boys. They naturally freak out until she admits that she was just joking. She actually wants to do something to humiliate them. Ming steals one of the brother’s varsity letter jacket and leaves it draped over a tombstone in the cemetery. He shows up the next day wearing a letter jacket, but his is still hanging in the graveyard. Linnie tells them about a game her older sister played at a resort. I totally saw this on “Greek” and some other random shows that I can’t remember. Basically, everyone gets a name of someone...