Sweet Valley Twins Super Edition #5: Lila's Secret Valentine
It's Valentine's Day in Sweet Valley, which means it's the perfect time for all the sixth grade girls to go apeshit about finding dates and choosing the right outfits. The Boosters decide to do cheers for kids. For $2, they will do a basic cheer, but anyone gives them $4 gets a completely customized cheer. The Sixers runs lovegrams, and kids can pay extra to get help from an “expert” like Elizabeth. Liz borrows old school poetry books from the library and starts writing all these crazy and intense lovegrams. While most kids seem really uncomfortable, she promises them that Valentine's Day is the perfect time to go all out. After she and Todd double date with Amy and Ken, she starts worrying about what to get him. She finally decides to write him this crazy intense poem that sounds like something from the 17 th century and slip it into his locker. Todd gets her poem and immediately thinks it's from someone else because it's too intense even for E...