Point Thriller: The Dead Girlfriend (R.L. Stine)
Jonathon is bad news. We know this because that's how Annie, our heroine, introduces him at the very beginning. She just moved to town with her parents and her little brother Caleb, and she decides to take a trip up to the falls in town, which the real estate agent told them was one of the best in the country. When she sees a man getting ready to jump, she drops her bike and runs to help him. No worries though. It's actually just Jonathon. We know he's super cute because she describes him as looking like Luke Perry with James Dean hair. Mm, James Dean. After saying he was meeting someone up there, he does a little flirting with Annie before walking her back to her bike. Turns out that someone slashed her tires but there is no one else around. While helping her back to town, Jonathon runs into his friend Ruby. Ruby spends far too much time rubbing on him, flirting with him, and ignoring Annie, but that doesn't stop him from inviting her to a party later that w...