
Showing posts from September 20, 2015

Sweet Valley Twins Super Chiller #2: The Curse of the Golden Heart

It's once again vacation time in Sweet Valley, but instead of being our 345 th summer vacation, it's now spring break. Joe, Steve, Lila, Amy, Elizabeth, and Jessica all head to the beach to relax, and the twins decide to go snorkeling. Jessica is oh so tired of snorkeling in the same place and wants to go to Pirate's Cove, a cheesy looking place off from the main beach. Though they agree to use the buddy system, Jess immediately heads off on her own. Liz is upset but gets distracted by all the cool stuff she finds in the water. After spotting something weird, she sees the water start churning. She manages to grab the barnacle encrusted object and toss it in her diving bag before getting out of the water. Liz hears the sound of a woman crying and starts freaking out until Jessica shows up. They see a grizzled old man watching them and Liz hears a woman's cries in the winds. Even though she swears she saw a shipwreck in the water, Liz doesn't want to ...

The Baby-Sitters Club Portrait Books: Dawn's Book

This may just be my least favorite books of this series. Dawn starts off recalling some of her earliest memories. She remembers when they brought home Jeff and how much she hated him because he was the baby now. He later started saying Da-Da, which everyone thought meant daddy, but because everything has to be about her, she knows he was really saying her name. She also remembers playing with this girl Ruthie in preschool and building buildings from blocks. When two boys played with the blocks, they always knocked down their creations, so one day, they glued the blocks together. They ended up getting punished and made to clean all the blocks with glue, but Dawn didn't care because she loved being around water. Oh, and she actually started walking at the beach and tried to run into the ocean. Of course she did. There's also something about how she loved Play-Doh so much that she took some and put it on her ears. Since Sharon is a moron, she thought Dawn was...