
Showing posts from June 21, 2015

Sweet Valley Twins #51: Big Brother's in Love

Steven Wakefield has it bad. He's "in love" with this girl named Jill Hale. Though he took her out on a date, things went so bad that now she barely speaks to him. Janet Howell starts picking on him, even though it wasn't that long ago that she was obsessed with him, and points out that Jill is now dating her older brother Joe. Jessica makes a bet with her that Steven can get over Jill in the next week. If she wins, she and Elizabeth get Janet's tickets to some random show called Staying Up with Bob or something like that, but if Janet wins, she gets Liz's new camera. Liz is, naturally, unhappy with this agreement but agrees to help her twin win the bet. Since the only girl Steven ever spends time with is his friend Cathy Connors, they decide that she's his perfect match. They make plans to send her a bunch of gifts from a secret admirer, which will then make Steven so jealous that he falls in love with her. They first decide to send her a ...

Sweet Valley High Super Edition: Winter Carnival

This is one of those very few books in the Sweet Valley High universe where things don't go well for one of the twins. See, Elizabeth isn't having the best run of luck. When the book opens, she's all excited for the upcoming winter carnival. The school buses all the students up to some random lodge and let them have fun all weekend long. The only downside is that Todd is coming back to town. He apparently worked for some Big Brothers thing and his little brother won an award. He asked Liz to go with him because she knew his little bro or some crap, but at the last minute, it turns out the awards ceremony is Friday night, which is the same night as the big opening party for the carnival. Jeffrey is less than pleased that she's blowing him off. Liz and Enid spent all this time filling out a contest form for some new trivia game show. Jessica rushes in and announces that she and Amy were one of the two duos selected for the pilot. Naturally, they did...

Sweet Valley Twins #85: Elizabeth the Seventh-Grader

Elizabeth and Jessica are sitting at home and waiting for their parents. The principal called and asked for a special meeting about Liz. Jessica keeps teasing her about how their mom cried for five minutes after getting the call, and Elizabeth starts worrying that they'll kick her out of school. The truth is that she's been doing so well in school that they decided to let her skip into seventh grade. After giving it some thought, she decides it's a great idea. Ned and Alice take the whole family out and announce the big news. Jessica instantly flips out because she's the one with older friends, so she thinks that if anyone should move up a grade, it should be her. They point out that it's about brain power and intelligence and not social maturity. Not sure if that's a compliment or not. Elizabeth thinks that jumping up a grade will be super exciting. She gets her new schedule, which includes a ton of classes she never took before. That means she...