The Unicorn Club #19: The Most Beautiful Girl in the World
Rachel is the newest member of the Unicorn Club. Not only is she as rich as Lila, but she's also a little more generous too. While Jessica is hanging out with her, they see an ad for a new chain of spas called Slenderella featuring Katherine Pierce. In case you don't know because I didn't, Katherine Pierce was once the it girl. She modeled, had tons of friends, and even her own show. The ad lets viewers know that if they sign up as a member, they can enter a contest to spend a weekend enjoying the Katherine Pierce lifestyle. Rachel instantly calls and becomes a member. She then signs up all the other girls. Since she gets one more entry form for each one she buys, Rachel pays for them all. Lila is less than happy about this. During their first visit, Mrs. Malone, the woman in charge of the club, takes Rachel aside and gushes all over her. Lila gets pissed off until she finds out that she can get entry forms for each purchase she buys. She buys brand new work...