
Showing posts from March 3, 2013

Sweet Valley Twins #70: Psychic Sisters

Sweet Valley just ran a special all night movie marathon, featuring teen movies because in Sweet Valley, the world revolves around teens. Steven is incredibly annoyed because he wants to hang out and the twins are still asleep in the floor. To make matters worse, Alice won't shut the fuck up and get off the phone. She got put in charge of some big designers shindig, which involves her talking to the same man and telling him the same things repeatedly. Steven starts rolling his eyes because he knows exactly what she needs: the George Washington room for 328 people to hold a black tie dinner on the 28 th or the 15 th . When the twins finally wake up, they head into the kitchen and Elizabeth pours them both a bowl of Corny-Os cereal. Jessica thinks it's a little odd because she woke up thinking about the same cereal and thinks that they are psychic. Steven then finds Ned passed out on the couch. It turns out that he came downstairs to check on the twins and got wrapped...

The Baby-Sitters Club #86: Mary Anne and the Camp BSC

It's the end of the school year and three weeks until summer camp starts, so you know what that means. Everyone and his mother is going to be calling the BSC for help. Mary Anne and Mallory think about this while sitting for the Pikes, and they decide to bring it up during the next meeting. The BSC decides that they should hold a big camp for the kids in Stoneybrook, and they use Mary Anne and Dawn's house. They get a few nearby parents to agree to be ā€œon callā€ in case of an emergency, and they call all their regular clients. They also decide to do a circus theme, but agree not to tell the kids until the first day. Mrs. Gianelli brings Bobby and Alicia to camp, but Alicia doesn't do so well. She starts crying every time her mom leaves and refuses to go on any field trips because she thinks her mom will come back early and not find her. Instead of making her go, they let her stay with Mary Anne at the house while everyone else goes to the park and Mrs. Stone...