
Showing posts from May 26, 2013

Sweet Valley High #21: Runaway

In case you ever read Sweet Valley Confidential and wondered who the heck Nicky Shepard was, this is the book for you! Jessica is feeling a little like the bastard stepchild in this book because she thinks that everyone loves Liz and basically tolerates her. Steven is back from school, having taken off the rest of the semester to grieve over Tricia. Since he keeps moping around all of the time, Elizabeth thinks it might be a smart idea to invite him to Cara's big party. She also decides that Jess should do it because it would make more sense. As soon as Jess does it, Steven flips his lid. He rants and raves about having no interest in Cara at all and storms away from the table. Ned goes off on Jessica about being so cruel to her grieving brother, and Liz jumps in to say that it was all her idea. Suddenly, it makes perfect sense and Ned thinks it's a good idea. Jessica leaves and meets Cara at the Dairi Burger, and they run into Nicky Shepard. He's the...