The Nancy Drew Files #66: Tall, Dark and Deadly (1991)
Nancy and Bess head off to Halloway College for winter break to investigate the disappearance of a girl named Ava Woods. Now, it's not like they actually know each other or anything, but Carson Drew apparently knows her parents and suggested his daughter could find out what happened. She disappeared after meeting a blind date on Friday night, and the girls arrive on Sunday to meet with the dean. The dean lets them know that they are in luck. Even though it's winter break, the school offers a special elective program that is open to students and people from off-campus that lets them take a class on campus. As the school obviously has a lack of money, there are even dorm rooms open for those new students! Nancy heads off to the dorm, while Bess signs them up for classes. She quickly meets Ava's roommate Betsy, who has no clue what happened to her. She does remember that someone called for Ava and mumbled something about a box before hanging up. Nancy also mee...