The Baby-Sitters Club #31: Dawn's Wicked Stepsister

Having a stepsister isn’t as much fun as Dawn thought. Mary Anne catches the wedding bouquet and gloats about it to everyone that listens. The two girls spend one last night together at Mary Anne’s house and she cries constantly because everything is her last. She cries even harder the next day when the Perkins girls bring over brownies they baked and the movers come. She whines about giving up their couch, not having enough space in their shared bedroom and worries that the movers will kick Tigger.

Jess takes Dawn aside before going back to California and tells her that he won’t be coming back for awhile because their family has some problems. He also tells her that he doesn’t like the side of Mary Anne he saw after the wedding, but she just blows him off because she thinks everything will be fine within a few days.

Of course things aren’t fine. They exchange clothes the first day and everyone thinks it is so cute. When they both want the same sitting job, Mary Anne insinuates that her skirt is too tight on Dawn and that she might bust it. She gets the job and brags about it, making Dawn feel bad.

Dawn also notices the problems between their parents. Richard gets up early and fixes breakfast for everyone, even though they don’t get up for hours. He always makes Sharon bacon, even though she doesn’t eat meat. Then he insists on cleaning, while she just wants to relax for a few hours. He asks her about cooking dishes with meat and she insists that he eat in during the week for lunch, so she doesn’t have to look at it.

They all have dinner one night and Richard wants to clean. Sharon and Mary Anne both want to watch a movie and Dawn wants to clean, but both girls take their parent’s side. When Richard demands they do spring cleaning, Mary Anne whines because Sharon keeps dusting stuff on the floor. dawn rudely points out that it’s all kitty litter and cat fur, which come from Tigger.

It finally comes to a head when the BSC members go to a dance. Mary Anne goes with Logan and makes some rude comments about how Dawn will understand what it means to look good when she has a boyfriend. Seriously, I would probably punch her in the head. Then the girls try doing homework together one night. Dawn wants music and Mary Anne pitches a fit. Their parents run in and each side with their stepdaughter. Mary Anne storms off and sleeps in the guest room.

Mallory comes down with chicken pox and slowly all the other members of the Pike family get sick. The triplets all get pneumonia, Vanessa sprains her ankle, the other kids get sick and Mr. Pike burns a finger. The BSC members fill in and both Jessi and Kristy even clean for them.

Dawn uses the Pike family as an excuse and claims that Mallory needs her help. She gets help from Jeff to scare Mary Anne. She hides in the secret passage and throws things against the wall. She rings the doorbell and leaves a chicken bone that looks like a finger and a rose on her desk. Mary Anne sees them and runs off screaming, so she sneaks in and takes them back.

Mary Anne is so scared that she permanently moves into the guest room. The girls suddenly become best friends again and make up for all their fights. They come home one day from a BSC meeting and see Sharon sitting in the living room, with Tigger curled up in her lap. She tells them that she kind of likes having him there and they all share a laugh.

*Why in the world would Sharon and Richard let them share a room? In the last book, Richard even tells Mary Anne that she will have her own room.

*Why did Richard and Sharon not think of some of these logistics before marrying? He eats meat and she doesn’t, which causes a huge problem and they act like they never knew it might happen. It’s kind of like when a non-smoker marries a smoker and then bitches about the smoking. Um, you knew the person smoked when you got married.

*Dawn rearranges the socks in Richard’s drawers, which are organized by color and it drives him nuts because he thinks he did it accidentally, teehee.

*I have cats, love cats and have had cats all my life, but Mary Anne is way too obsessive about Tigger. She constantly whines that he doesn’t feel comfortable there and can’t get used to his new house. Um my cats lived in the same place for two years of their lives and it took them less than a week to get used to the new place.


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